I have soon been to university for a week. So far I'm finding most of it very interesting. I already knew some of Sheffield before, but I have really got to know the city now that I have had to get around on my own. I still like Sheffield very much, and I believe I made the right choice going here.

I was afraid I wouldn't get to know anyone (forever alone, haha), though I have got to know a few people. People from all around the world, actually. From my journalism class I have gotten to know two Chinese girls and an English girl. The people in my class seem to be alot like me, I guess that is because we are all here for the same reason. We have alot of the same interests, which is great. I am also taking German, and I have met some really nice people there as well. Two of them are from Spain. This is quite different to a person like me, seen as I come from little Sokna, in Norway, which has about 550 inhabitants...

Anyway, I will update a bit more later and write about all the exciting classes I am taking!
I have seen many movies, but it is a long time since I have seen one I thought was this good. The combination of a good story and good music makes this movie ace. When you first start watching, it seems like the scene is set to before the technological times we know today, though the further you watch, the more industrial it gets. I think the word "industrial" fits well. The music, made by The Chemical Brothers", makes the movie industrial. And some of the scenes in the movie are very industrial. For example the one where she's escaping (you will know what I mean if you watch the movie). With out the music, it would just be "another movie" with a decent plot. The music turns the movie to a whole new level, and that is what I like about it. The fact that the girl, Hanna, is actually from Germany is no coincident(I should think). Because when I think of industrial, I think of Germany. The Chemical Brothers are not German, though, but the music they have made for this movie just fits the scene. It is worth watching. The actors do a great job, especially the main character Hanna.

"When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there."
- George Harrison
A few weeks ago, I read Slash's autobiography. I found it so good, that I have now decided to write a little bit about it. First of all I would like to point out how amazing I think it is that he actually wrote the book himself(with help from Anthony Bozza). You can often find biographies written by other people(like for instance this new book I’ve bought about Paul McCartney, written by Howard Sounes), but this is his words and his memories, just the way HE remembers them. Amazing. Though I have to point out, if you’re planning to read this book, and don’t want anything to be revealed, you should probably not read this.

I have been a big Guns N' Roses fan for a long time. I also love the music Slash has written after his Guns N' Roses period. This being said, I didn't actually know that much about him as a person. I knew about most of his musical history. And I had a vague idea about his drug addiction. But I had no idea how bad it was. “A doctor installed a defibrillator in my heart when I was 35. Fifteen years of over-drinking and drug abuse had swollen that organ to one stop short of exploding. When I was finally hospitalized, they told me I had six days to six weeks to live. It’s been six years since then and this piece of machinery has saved my life more than twice.” The book starts with a little story about how this defibrillator kicked in one time Slash was on stage. The story then goes back many, many years; to the very start of his life. He describes his parents and grandmother as a huge influence in his life. And they get mentioned throughout the whole book.

It is interesting to see how crime has been a huge part of his life. From he was about 12 and up until… well up until he stopped doing drugs, really (seen as taking drugs is illegal). Though he was only involved in other sorts of crimes before he joined Guns N’ Roses. Slash tells his version Guns N’ Roses’ fame and how it all went down after a few years. As much as I think he tries not to throw anyone under the bus, you can still clearly see how hurt and angry he is with certain people (and about certain things). In this book we follow Slash through the fight against drugs. He fails several times, but in the end he over wins it. The book has a happy ending, which is quite nice for a fan to read. And I believe he has truly found himself, and happiness in his family and work.  What I especially love about it, is ihow honest it is. Some people might find it offensive, but I really enjoy it. This is actually one of the best books I have ever read, and I do recommend it!

I just read an article about how an American teenager pretended to be a doctor at a hospital in Florida. It was kind of like Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Catch Me if You Can". This 17 year old boy even performed a heart surgery, without anyone noticing that he actually wasn't working there... Without knowing that he wasn't even a doctor. This is kind of shocking if you ask me. How was that possible? The security could not have been very good, if a 17 year old boy could just get an ID card and blend in that fast. It is a bit impressive as well. Too bad for him he got arrested!

"Catch Me if You Can" is actually a very good movie. You should see it. Leonardo DiCaprio is awesome!
A Norwegian "MUST HAVE"... kjøttkaker! You heard me, it is a must when I go to Norway. It is a traditional meal, which I bet you can't have anywhere else. If you can, it will not be as good as what you get here in Norway. I am so full. Full and happy. Meatballs, potatoes, mushed peas, sauerkraut, gravy and lingonberry jam. Mmmm! Going to miss you, kjøttkaker.