Can it really be..? No, it can't be..? Oh, I think it is. It is the end I see over there. Really? Who would have thought that. I actually see an end to everything (and by everything I mean school). This is my last year on this school (I think the correct name for it is high school). Next year I will hopefully be long gone from the Norwegian school system. Not that I know much about how the school system is at the universities, but I have had my share of Norwegian school now. I will be in England next year. Yes, on the other side of the big and scary northern sea. So to all of you who still have high school in front of you... GOOD LUCK! Lets hope you get through it without committing suicide or killing your teacher.I guess I am exaggerating a bit now, I have been quite lucky with my teachers, it is just that half of the stuff we have been doing is stuff I don't really want to do. Though I guess accepting what comes to you is part of life, is it not?

April. March? Where did March go? To me it feels like it was March yesterday, but no, March was ten days ago. What I am trying to say is that time flies super duper fast.Christian left today. He came over in the end of January. We went to England for a few days in my winter vacation (end of February, beginning of March). And now he has gone home. Weird how fast the time goes. It is not long until I go to England. I love England, and apparently it is really nice, green and sunny there at the moment. We still have snow here in Norway. Though it is melting now. Christian and I put the trampoline up yesterday. I love jumping on it!