I have noticed that after I moved to England, I have started to drink more hot drinks. I drink tea and I drink Mocha. I haven't converted completely into the coffee habit yet, seen as I don't really like too much coffee flavour. I'm not sure if all this drinking is due to the fact that I'm more English now(I think not), or if it is a student thing, or maybe just a social thing. At the moment I have a cold, so I am drinking tea. The feeling of something hot in my throat is quite soothing. I must recommend Twinings Lemon and Ginger. I didn't think I liked ginger, or tea for that matter, but now I know that I actually do. I haven't become fully English yet, though, because I still can't stand putting milk in my tea. It is wrong, it is gross and it is not for me.
I figured a picture of a mocha was more exciting than tea. This is the mocha at Coffee Revolution. It is really tasty, and you sometimes get good arwork on it as well. If you're ever in Sheffield, this is where you should go for your mocha.